SAP Program J_1SWF10 - IS-M/SD CH/W: Daily Average WEMF Quantities

This report calculates the average IVW quantities for a certain period.This is not an IVW audit report - the report can be used internally.The total quantity is determined from the draw, which is maintained inthe issue data. The system does not check whether the draw is correctfor a particular date, in other words greather than the deliveryquantity for that date. The difference between the draw and thedelivery quantity is recorded in a separate IVW category.
You can restrict selection by specifying the following criteria:

  • Publication period

  • Shipping/return period

  • Publication

  • Edition

  • IVW country

  • IVW number

  • Issue variant type

  • Indicator with/without issues for which IVW exclusion is set

  • Sales organization

  • Distribution channel

  • Division

  • You can control output by specifying the following criteria:
    • IVW hierarchy type

    • IVW hierarchy version

    • Indicator: List basic categories only

    • IVW categories

    • Indicator: explode IVW categories by (order-rel.) delivery types

    • Selection of delivery types to be exploded

    • You can use the indicator with/without issues to control whether or notIVW data is to be taken into account for issues in which the IVWexclusion indicator is selected. If the indicator is selected, thereport takes issues into account for which the exclusion indicator isselected.
      If you only want to list certain IVW categories, you must enter thecategories that are to be excluded. If you only want to list basiccategories, select the indicator "List basic categories only".
      Select the indicator "Explode IVW categories" to explode the figuresfor an IVW category by delivery types. You can specify explicitly whichorder-related delivery types are to be taken into account under an IVWhierarchy in the partially exploded list.

      You must specify a period in selection. You can either specify thepublication and edition or an IVW number. The hierarchy type andversion are required entries without which output is not possible.
      You can use the issue variant type, for example, to select onlySaturday issues or all issues except Saturday.

      The report displays a list summarized according to the parametersspecified, displaying the quantities cumulated by IVW categories. Thelist either contains four columns - IVW category and type, total andaverage quantity - or five columns, with the addition of the deliverytype, depending on your settings for output control.
      The editions are listed individually first, followed by the IVWnumbers. The number of issues used to calculate averages is displayed.