SAP Program J_1SUBAL - IS-M/SD CH/S: Compare Street Dataset

You can use this program to compare the existing SAP street dataset withthe street dataset file supplied by the PTT (STHdatum.txt).
Any differences identified are listed together with the followinginformation in table J_1SSUPBESTAND:

  • Postal unit affected (STREETS)

  • Types of differences found (function = 1, 2C, 2D, 3, 5)

  • Information on the differences (for example, old street number and new
  • street number)

    Please adhere to the processing sequence (reports, maintenance views).
    PTT Conversion Processing:
    1) J_1SNFIL (create temporary file)
    2) J_1SUPAL (dataset comparison/conversion for postal code/cityassignments)
    3) J_1SVPUPBESTAND (maintenance view for result of postal code/citycomparison)
    4) J_1SUPLZ (format UPDA records for postal code/city assignments)
    5) J_1SUBAL (dataset comparison for streets)
    6) J_1SUSTR (format UPDA records for streets)
    7) J_1SVSUPBESTAND (maintenance view for result of street comparison)
    8) POSTÄNDERUNGSDIENST (process change number)
    9) J_1SUBOT (carrier data upgrade)

    The assignment between the logical and physical paths must bemaintained:
    Physical path: ISP_PTT_ALL
    Logical path: ISP_PTT_ALL
    The following logical file names must be maintained:
    ISP_PTT_ORT_DAT (Temporary city file)
    ISP_PTT_PLZ_DAT (Temporary postal code file)
    ISP_PTT_STR_DAT (Temporary street file)
    ISP_PTT_BOT_DAT (Temporary carrier file)
    Please note: The physical file name depends on the settings for thelogical files.
    Table J_1SSUPBESTAND must be empty.
    Open change numbers:
    Tables JSTSTRUPDA and JSTPLOUPDA must only contain open changes createdby the comparison/conversion for postal codes and cities (programsJ_1SUPAL and J_1SUPLZ).
    Temporary files:
    You should have run program J_1SNFIL (create temporary file) with thePTT dataset files or the PTT conversion files.
    Dataset comparison/conversion for postal codes and cities:
    You should have run programs J_1SUPAL and J_1SUPLZ with thecorresponding files.
    Program J_1SUBAL can be restarted if the requirements are met.

    Country for which the street dataset comparison is to be carried out(default = 'CH').
    City number (ALORT):
    You can restrict the data volume to certain city districts by specifyingcity numbers 'from' and 'to' for processing.
    Change number:
    You must use the same change number as you use for program J_1SUPLZ.
    Transfer any existing street sections:
    You can transfer existing street areas to summarized streets. Theprogram only processes street areas that have the same city numbers,postal codes and PTT street numbers.
    Printer controls:
    Various settings for log output.

    Temporary street file:
    SAP postal code tables:
    SAP street tables:

    Log (SPOOL):
    Information on the number of differences identified and errored inputdata.
    Results table from street comparison:
    The differences determined are listed in table J_1SSUPBESTAND using thefollowing function codes:

    • 1 = New PTT record

    • 2C = Conversion of street text

    • 2D = Conversion of CH street data (street master, preposition code,
    • etc.)
      • 3 = Delete record and transfer to existing record if applicable

      • 5 = Changed/overlapping house number range for street
      • Activities
        1) Check whether the requirements are met
        2) Enter selection criteria on selection screen
        3) Execute program
        4) Check log
        5) Check table J_1SSUPBESTAND and make manual corrections if necessary