SAP Program J_1SFEE_STATISTICS - IS-M/SD-CH: Monthly Statistics for Postal Charge Settlement

Monthly evaluations for postal charge settlement (CH)

The summarized monthly values for the weight groups must be stored bymeans of the collective run for postal dispatch lists. Costing must beperformed for settlement evaluations and stored with the status 'Checkedand OK'.

Various evaluation options are possible; on one hand, evaluations formonthly domestic, foreign, and insert postal charge settlement, and onthe other, various statistics for summarized monthly values forindividual weight groups.


  • Enter the product by specifying the publication and the edition.

  • Define the period for the evaluation (only full months in a year).
  • Output
    The following lists are available for evaluation options using the SAPList Viewer:
    Domestic settlement
    Foreign settlement
    Insert settlement
    Monthly domestic statistics
    Monthly statistics of carrier remuneration
    Monthly statistics for format surcharge
    Monthly statistics for foreign economy
    Monthly statistics for foreign priority
    Monthly statistics for foreign Direct Entry Press DE
    Monthly statistics for foreign Direct Entry Press NL
    Monthly statistics for foreign Direct Entry Press FR
    These lists contain the standard functions of the SAP List Viewer. Thefunctions for operations on the data displayed are available in thestandard application toolbar.
    For further information on how to use these functions, see the userdocumentation on the SAP List Viewer.