SAP Program J_1SFEE_CALC_SWISS - IS-M/SD: Postal Charge Forecast (CH)

Postal charge forecast for Switzerland

  • Data basis: postal dispatch lists.

  • The charges calculated are saved in a check document and the result of
  • the check is noted.
    • Selection screen:

    • Enter postal distribution indicator (PTT newspaper number).
      Specify the period for evaluation, either by entering the shipping date,the publication date, or the issue number (and year).
      • To display a check document created earlier, enter its number. To delete
      • a check document, specify its number.


        • The postal charges for the settlement type 'Domestic post' depend on the
        • following influencing factors:
          Number of newspapers delivered for an edition
          Weight of a newspaper including publishers inserts
          Publication frequencies and indicators for circulation figures, loyaltygift, text portion and format surcharge
          Type of inserts
          Weight of inserts
          • The postal charges for the settlement type 'Foreign post' depend on the
          • following influencing factors:
            Number of newspapers delivered for an edition
            Weight of a newspaper including publishers' inserts
            Destination country
            Type of inserts
            Weight of inserts
            • The currency must match the currency of the postal charges recorded.

            • When the check result is saved, all the selected postal dispatch lists
            • are assigned to a check document. This check document thereforecorresponds to the postal settlement. If you want to delete thisassignment again (for example, because the wrong postal dispatch listswere grouped together), you must delete the check document.
              • When you delete the check document, the check status of the relevant
              • postal dispatch lists is set to 'unchecked'.
                • You can only create a new postal dispatch list if it is not assigned to
                • a check document. If necessary, you must delete this assignment first('Delete check document').
                  • If all the selected postal dispatch lists belong to one check document,
                  • the program displays it. If you want to perform a new valuation, choose'Repeat pricing'. The check status is reset to 'unchecked'.
                    • If all the selected postal dispatch lists are unchecked, the program
                    • executes a new settlement check.


                      • The lists created give an overview of the charges due on various explode
                      • levels, as well as a list of the charges for the individual editions inthe period.
                        Summarized display: Charges for the carrying issue and the inserts(totaled for the various circulation portions) and divided bypublication date (issue number).
                        Detailed display: Charges for the carrying issue and the inserts(divided for each circulation portion), divided by postal dispatch list.
                        • You can double click on a line or choose 'Display condition' in the
                        • detailed display to analyze the conditions behind a charge and theirvalues. The functions here correspond to the standard pricing functions.
                          • Functions

                          • Change check status: Set the check status to 'Checked and OK' or'Checked and not OK'.
                            Repeat pricing: All conditions are revaluated and the new valuesdetermined are displayed.
                            Information on access: Display the values used to call up pricing.
                            Menu option 'Refresh weights': If the actual weight of a carrying issueor an insert changes after the postal dispatch list is created, theweights must be updated in the data on which the postal dispatch list isbased. This menu option allows you to reconcile the data if you ignoredthe message suggesting that you do it at the start of the report.