SAP Program J_1SFEEP - IS-M/SD CH: PTT Charge Settlement for Domestic and Foreign Post

This program formats the PTT charge settlement for all package types (10= domestic post / 11 = field post / 12 = foreign post). There arevarious possible processing options:

  • Export to MS Excel: here, the data is exported to a prepared spreadsheet
  • in MS Excel, where you can add specific values.
    • Create local PC files: here, the data is exported to ASCII files (ending
    • with .DAT) on your local PC.
      • Save to table of postal dispatch lists: here, the data is stored in the
      • database tables for postal settlement in the SAP system by means of thecondition technique.
        • Create BS files: here, the data is stored at BS level.
        • Precondition

          • Processing can only take place for the previous month in full.
          • Repetition is not possible.
            • The system only takes deliveries with drop-offs into account.

            • The actual or planned weight of the issues must be maintained.

            • The country groups and the corresponding countries must be maintained.

            • The MS Excel template (spreadsheet) must be stored on the local hard
            • drive or on server. The logical and physical file name and thecorresponding paths must be in ERP (transaction FILE).

              The monthly values are stored according to the processing optionselected.
              If you choose the processing option 'Export to MS Excel', 5 Excel sheetsformatted for printing are created using the exported data, the PTTcharges in the MS Excel template and the information added by the userfor each edition and month:

              • Domestic

              • Domestic weight groups

              • Foreign

              • Foreign weight groups

              • Inserts

              • The Excel folder is numbered sequentially for each edition and storedwith the year and month. For example, as 9712V001.XLS and 9712V002.XLS