SAP Program /SAPCND/TEST_DETERMINE - General Condition Determination


This report provides an example implementation for the API of generalcondition determination. You can find a description of this API in thedocumentation for the function module IPC_CT_CNF_DETERMINE.


  • All referenced condition tables for entered values application, usage
  • and determination procedure (condition type lists) are determined.
    • Relevant attributes for general condition determination are read using
      • In order to test the determination module IPC_CT_CNF_DETERMINE, a
      • condition record is read for each referenced condition table. Data fromthe read condition records is formatted, in order that the importparameters for function module IPC_CT_CNF_DETERMINE can be provided withthe required values.
        • Determination steps are logged, if the tax parameter 'Analysis' is
        • switched on.

          Tax Parameters

          • Analysis: Analysis is carried out. (See the documentation for
          • the function module IPC_CT_CNF_DETERMINE for description).
            • Mass Test: All condition records are read for each referenced
            • condition table, and after the function module IPC_CT_CNF_DETERMINE iscalled once for each condition record that is read.
              • Pre-Step: Pre-Step is carried out. (See the documentation for the
              • function module IPC_CT_CNF_DETERMINE for description).
                • Buffer for Pre-Step: Pre-step results are buffered. (See the
                • documentation for the function module IPC_CT_CNF_DETERMINE fordescription).