SAP Program J_1IEWT_MIGRATE - Data Migration Tool from Classic to Extended withholding tax

Migration of Classic withholidng tax (TDS) data to Extended withholdingtax option.

Accounting documents created under Classic Withholding Tax mode willnot be considered by payment program or Open Item clearing program ,after switching to Extended Withholding Tax (EWT) .
This would mean that all Withholding relavant documents such asDownpayments, invoices, Downpayment clearings and TDS documents onabove have to be migrated so that after switch to EWT, furtherprocessing is enabled.
The post procesing of documebts created in Classic withholiding tax andprocessing of documents created after switch to EWT should be the same.The system is to consider all the document alsike and process them.

This program is to be run so that the India version Add-on programsconsider the data created before the migration for processing alongwith the new documents created after swithcing the company code toExtended withholding tax .

Extended Withholidng Tax is active for the company code.
Periodic TDS Posting program should not be run while running thisprogram.
Ensure that Accounting documents relevant to withholding tax are notprocessed / posted while this program is being run . Idealy this shouldbe run in single user mode .
The authorisation required for this program is that of role 'TDSSupervisor '


This program is to be run as soon as Extended Withholidng Tax is madeactive for the company code and before Accounting documents relevant towithholding tax are posted

Enter the company code and either posting date range or document numberrange. In respect of invoices, the associated clearing documents arepicked up automatically.
For additional selection, you can enter a range business areas,document type, Vendor, TAN No, Section and Tax codes. These additionalcriteria would help in ensuring accurate selection. In case the numberof documents that are to be migrated is large, it is recommended thatthe program be run for small intervals ( posting date range) so thatPerformance problems are avoided.
In the selection screen, Invoices, credit memos, clearings andassociated clearings can be migrated live or previewed using the testrun option.
If down payments are to be migrated , the option has to be chosen. IFchosen, then Business Place has to be entered mandatorily or defaultedby using an user exit provided in the program.


If down payments are also to be migrated, then based on the selection,a list of all open down payments is displayed. User needs to choose thedown payments and then save the same for migrating the data .
Invoices, credit memos, clearings and TDS documents on above can bemigrated live or previewed. The list is shown based on the optionexercised. The documents will be migrated if the 'Test' option isunchecked in the selection screen .


The following documents would need to be migrated.
In respect of invoices credit memos, clearings and TDS documents ifvendor is not yet paid or if the payment is likely to be reversed,migrate those documents. This has to be decided in advance beforemigration is done. It is not required to migrate these documents ifvendors are already paid and the payment documents would not bereversed.
In case of Down payments, all open down payments should be migrated toextended withholding tax so that tax adjustment on down paymentclearing could happen along with clearing. Decide on the appropriatebusiness place entity to which the down payments pertain and choosefrom the list displayed.
This program is to be run if the status of a document changes. Forexample , an invoice could have been migrated. However If TDS is postedlater on, then the same invoice should be migrated again so that theTDS document is also migrated.
While running the automatic payment program, if 'inconsistentwithholding tax information' error is reported for any line item, oneof the reasons could be that the line item is not migrated.

User Exits
There are user exits available in the program for the following:
1. Selecting the Business Place:
This is a mandatory field if down payments are to be migrated. This canbe either entered specifically or chosen using the user exit. The userexit provides the Section code, Busines area, Company code and TAN Noas input parameters. Using these appropriate Business place can bederived.
2. Data selection and validation
There are two user exits available to choose/ validate additionalclearing documents and also down payment documents.