SAP Program J_1B_NFE_CREATE_TXT_FILE - NF-e TXT File Creation

You use this report to create a TXT file in ASCII format that containsnota fiscal database records for a given period. You then submit thefile to the website of the prefecture of the municipality of Sao Paulo.According to the law, you must submit this file within 10 days after youissue the (paper) nota fiscal, but not exceeding the fifth day of thefollowing month.
The file structure and content comply with the official layout publishedby the prefecture.

The following Customizing/master data must be maintained correctly forthe TXT file to be accepted by the authorities:

  • Your municipal tax number,
  • which you enter when you define your businessplace(s)
    • ISS tax situations and
    • assignment of them to the appropriate tax law
      • ISS tax rates (to which the tax laws are
      • assigned)
        • Official service types (which are assigned
        • to generic service types)
          • Customer master data: complete address data and tax numbers as required
          • (CNPJ,CPF,state, andmunicipal)

            Enter the company code, business place, and posting period for which youwant to select notas fiscaís. To create the file to submit to theauthorities, specify TXT File; when you execute the report, adialog box appears in which you specify the directory where it is to bestored, a file name, and file type TXT. For checking purposes, you canalso specify ALV List, but note that the report itself does notcheck the generated file (or list output) for correctness orcompleteness; the prefecture checks this when you upload the file to itswebsite.

            The report displays the data in an ALV list or saves the TXT file,depending on your selection criteria.

981687NFe: For Services in Muncipio Sao Paulo