SAP Program J_1B_EXT_ACC_SEQ - Transfer Customizing of Tax Groups to Access Sequences

You use this program to automatically update access sequences after youhave created or changed tax groups for dynamicexceptions used to calculate Brazilian taxes, in thecorresponding IMG activity.

Access sequences only need to be changed if you use condition-based taxcalculation.

You need to have authorization for cross-client Customizing if you wantto modify the access sequences. It is important that you ensure thattax groups are not customized differently in different clients becausewith each conversion to access sequences, the previous Customizingsettings will be overwritten.

On the program selection screen, you enter the tax group that you wantto include in the update. You can simulate the results of the programby setting the Simulate Only indicator. This is extremelyimportant, since the program makes cross-client changes to yourdata.
Additionally, you need to specify what type of conversion is to takeplace:

  • Update access sequences - if you want to update existing steps in the
  • access sequences
    • Insert into the access sequences - if you want to include new steps in
    • the access sequences after creating a new tax group
      • Delete from access sequences - if you want to delete existing steps
      • from the access sequences
        Refer to the F1 help for more details on what the system does duringeach type of conversion.

        Following the conversion or the simulation, the system displays a logthat contains all messages issued during processing.