SAP Program J_1BLFD1 - Magnetic File of Notas Fiscais

You use this program to generate a magnetic file that reports allincoming and outgoing notas fiscaís (NF) containing at least onematerial on legally defined product lists (I and II), consistingprimarily of packaging materials and chemicals. Companies that produce,import, or are wholesale distributors of items on these lists arerequired to submit this file to Brazilian tax authorities. The reportsupports the file layouts as defined by Instrução Normativa 445(IN445) and Instrução Normativa 359 (IN359); choose the DNFlayout accordingly on the selection screen. The generated file is oftenreferred to as a DNF file, from the Portuguese for Notas Fiscaís -Demonstrativo.
You generate the file perbusiness place, and submitit on a monthly basis.

You have maintained the product lists inCustomizing for Financial Accounting, under General LedgerAccounting > Business Transactions > Closing >Reporting > Statutory Reporting: Brazil > MaintainProduct Lists.
If required, you have implemented the Business Add-In fordetermining the direct import number forregister 3 (for IN359 only).


On the program selection screen, enter data as required:

  • How notas fiscaís are to be selected

  • How the results are to be output

  • Administrative details required for filling the file correctly
  • Output
    The program generates a magnetic file in the legally required format,which contain the registers described below:
    IN445 format:
    Register type,,Contents
    Register 0,,Header data of NF
    Register 1,,Item data of outgoing NF
    Register 9,,Control data (summary)
    IN359 format:
    Register type,,Contents
    Register 0,,Company code data
    Register 1,,Header data of NF
    Register 2,,Item data of outgoing NF
    Register 3,,Item data of incoming NF (only for imported materials)
    Register 9,,Control data (summary)