SAP Program J_1AMLBS - Display Warehouse Stock

Use this report to display the total quantity and value of stockat plant, storage location and valuation type level.
The evaluation can be made by the
- material price: price is taken from the master record
- market price..: price is taken from the last purchase order,
outline agreement, or invoice
For the market price search the materials are defined at valuation area
The following informations are displayed:
Material no. & description
Material group
Unit of measure
Price unit
Storage location & description
Valuation type
Warehouse stock
Value of stock
If market price is required , company code must be specified. Thisprogram has to be run for the last day of each fiscal year because forthis date the program saves the market prices for future use.
If you didn't run it for one year or you change the search conditionsfrom one year to the other you must run the process with a "from date"that set the origin of the search, if you leave it in blank the systemassumes the first day of the fiscal year.
If there is not a market price in the fiscal year the report takes themarket price of the previous year ( for this reason this program mustbe execute for the last day of each fiscal year as "until date") andadjusts it up to the until date ( index adjustment ).
When the price is in the last two months it's a valid price, otherwise
the report adjusts it using an inflation index .
Time base variant and inflation index must be maintained in MaterialManagement -> Replacement cost valuation -> General Setings
Time base example: If you are running this process for fiscal year 1995you must create a TBE variant for the inflation adjustment for theprices that are not in the last two months of the fiscal year.
first day of fiscal year : 01 01 1995
last day of fiscal year : 31 12 1995
1995 01 31 01 31
1995 02 28 02 28
1995 03 31 03 31
1995 04 30 04 30
1995 05 31 05 31
1995 06 30 06 30
1995 07 31 07 31
1995 08 31 08 31
1995 09 30 09 30
1995 10 31 10 31
1995 11 30 12 31* If the price is in the last two months of the
1995 12 31 12 31* the fiscal year, the price is valid .
For the rest of the years.
9999 01 31 01 31
9999 02 29 02 29
9999 03 31 03 31
9999 04 30 04 30
9999 05 31 05 31
9999 06 30 06 30
9999 07 31 07 31
9999 08 31 08 31
9999 09 30 09 30
9999 10 31 10 31
9999 11 30 11 30
9999 12 31 12 31