SAP Program J_1AIDX1 - Replacement Cost Valuation (Inflation Index Adjustment)

This report determines the adjusted price for the previous period byeither

  • using a predefined inflation index (provisional or definitive), if
  • local currency is specified, or by
    • adjusting the price based on a foreign currency according to the
    • exchange rate difference between the beginning and the end of theconsidered period.
      If a manual replacement cost price was set, and this price has not yetbeen considered, the inflation index program will not adjust the pricebut update the material with this price.
      If the update-option is set, the new (revaluated) price is updated ineach selected material within the specified company code(s) andvaluation area(s).
      The type of update depends on the company code customizing(posting flag in customizing) :
      If the replacement cost price is to be used as the general valuationprice, the program will post a price change and update the replacementcost price of the material, otherwise the program will just update thereplacement cost price of the material, but will not change the generalvaluation price.
      • The number range interval for price change has to
      • be maintained.
        • The period to be revaluated has to be closed.

        • Depending on the material's customizing (revaluation
        • method), eventually the market price revaluation has to be runbefore the inflation index revaluation may be executed.
          • An update-run with a provisional index may be followed by an update-run
          • with a definitive one, whereas an update-run with the same index-type(provisional or definitive index) must not be repeated.
            For the price change postings the inflation index revaluation usespredefined inflation accounts according to the inflation account classof the material account. One inflation account for definitive indexrevaluation, and another one for provisional index revaluation must beassigned to the used inflation account class within the underlyingchart of accounts.

            The report issues a list of all revaluated materials within theselected company code(s) and valuation area(s) with some additionalinformation such as stock, old price, new price, price difference,stock value, the inflation index applied, and so on. The totaldifference of the revaluated stock is listed for any material thatexists more than once within a specific company code (but in differentvaluation areas).
            Additionally, an entry is written into a log-table (table "J_1AIMMLOG"that can be displayed via the data browser) for each correctlyrevaluated material, whenever the report runs in update-mode. Thelog-table is also updated, if the report is run as simulation and thelog-option ("Log data of test run") is flagged.

            If the inflation index revaluation report is run without the update-option (which represents a simulation) and the valuation periodproposed by the report, a list of all materials within the selectedcompany code(s) and valuation area(s), that would be posted inupdate-mode, is displayed. Hence, the simulation reflects the currentselection set for the specified period and may be run several timeswithout consequences to real data (on the database).
            When the update-option is specified, a real posting will take place asdescribed above.
            After an update-run data will have been modified, and any futureattempt to repeat the run with the same selection criteria will berejected.

1382307INMA MM: Inflation Management and New GL