SAP Program J_1AF007 - Printing of documents (no payments)

The report generates certificates with the company, vendor/customerdata, the reference documents (invoice, credit/debit memos) and theamount in document currency. The reference document lines are printedas follows:
- official document no.
- reference document, line no. and fiscal year
- amount of line in document currency
A total in local and document currency is printed at the end of thecertificate. The total amount can be printed only as gross amount orcan be listed seperatly (base, taxes per type and gross). The layout ofthe total amount is defined in the customizing table 'Define printingletters for documents'.
The formular is definied as SAPscript named J_1A_F007_CD_MEM.

Input parameters
Standard selection screen of database BRF
Printing date - date, on which the certificate has been printed
Signature - printed at the end of the certificate
No. of copies
Layout set - leave empty to select template

The certificates are sorted by:
company code
fiscal year
printing character
document type
official document number
posting date