SAP Program J_1AF004 - Compact Document Journal

The journal displays the most important data from document headers anditems in compact form (document display). The C.U.I.T. of thevendor/customer is printed for every line of the document. Totals permonth and year are printed at the end of the list.

Input parameters
Standard selection screen of database BRF
Branch no.

The list is sorted by;
company code
posting date
cpu date
cpu time
official document no.
sap document no.
The following data are printed on the list:
line no. per document
posting date
reverse document no.
sap document no.
sap document type
official document no.
official document type
sap document line
account type
account no. & description
reconciliation account
C.U.I.T./ID no. of the vendor/customer
posting key
tax code
amount of the line
total debit/credit amount of the document
exchange rate
A total per month is printed at the end of a fiscal year for the branchand company (amounts in local currency):
company code
fiscal year
debit/credit amount for
- g/l accounts
- customers
- vendors
A second total per year is printed at the end of a branch for a company(by selection of several years):
company code
fiscal year
debit/credit amount for
- g/l accounts
- customers
- vendors