Report Transfer for the Tax Jurisdiction Code

XPRA to check whether the value in the tax jurisdiction code fieldneeds to be transfererd from the IS-U contract to the correspondingaddress in the master record for the connection object address.
This XPRA is only relevant if you use tax jurisdiction codes(for determining tax rates in the USA).
As of release 4.61, tax jurisdiction codes are no longer saved in theIS-U contract data but in the address of the connection object. If youuse report ISU_TRANSFER_JDC_TO_COADDR, then you do not have to re-entertax codes that you have already maintained in the system. The reporttransfers all the values from the tax jurisdiction codes fieldto the corresponding connection object addresses, providing this ispossible. sinnvoll.
To avoid performance problems, we recommend that you execute reportISU_TRANSFER_JDC_TO_COADDR before you upgrade to 4.61. The XPRAdetermines in which client the report ISU_TRANSFER_JDC_TO_BPADDR wasstarted, and issues a warning if you need to execute it before theupgrade.
Note the warnings issued by the XPRA and read the corresponding longterxts, where you can read additional information, especiallyconcerning the effects on the dataset.
