SAP Program ISU_XPRA_TEIVV_APPLKUMS - Conversion report for Customizing tables for transactions

Conversion of tables for transactions in IS-U/T

As of IS-U/T 4.61 the following tables will be used:

  • System table TFKIHVOR (internal main transactions)

  • System table TFKIHVORT (texts for internal main transactions)

  • System table TFKITVOR (internal sub-transactions)

  • System table TFKITVORT (texts for internal sub-transactions)

  • Customizing table TFKIVV (allocation of transactions to internal
  • transactions)
    Previously the following tables, which (with the exception ofTEIVV) did not have an application area, were used:
    • System table TEIHVOR (internal main transactions)

    • System table TEIHVORT (texts for internal main transactions)

    • System table TEITVOR (internal sub-transactions)

    • System table TEITVORT (texts for internal sub-transactions)

    • Customizingtabelle TEIVV (allocation of transactions to internal
    • transactions)
      This report is used to convert the existing Customizing data. Itautomatically fills the new application area field.
      After all the internal main and sub-transactions have been converted,the entries in the obsolete tables are deleted.


      Adjust the following parts of your programs accordingly:

      • Database access

      • Fields on screens

      • Structure definitions

      • Declarations

      • In this way you avoid inconsistencies in interfaces or syntax errors.


        • Upgrade from IS-U 1.2 (4.0B) to 4.61 (4.6B)

        • In IS-U 1.2 the TEIVV table does not have an application area
          R (utilities industry) is determined as the application area.
          The allocations in the TEIVV table from IS-U 1.2 are converted andwritten to the TFKIVV table with R as application area.
          All the entries in the TEIVV table are deleted.
          • Upgrade from IS-U 4.51 (4.5B) to 4.61 (4.6B)

          • The TEIVV table already contains an application area.
            RESET N2
            The allocations in the TEIVV table from IS-U 4.51 are converted andwritten to the TFKIVV table with the same application area.
            All the entries in the TEIVV table are deleted.