SAP Program ISU_XPRA_SETTLEMENT_CONTROL - Conversion report for TEIVV table: extension to 'APPL' (application)

Initialization of Customizing tables for settlement control.

The following are initialized:

  • the new VERWEN field in the TE511 table

  • the new TE518G, TE518S tables for alternate grouping/sorting of
  • characteristic values from the TE518 table. The TE518 table will not beused as of IS-U release 4.51.
    • the new TE519K and TE519KT tables from the TE519 and TE519T tables. The
    • TE519T will not be used as of IS-U release 4.51.
      • the new TE502 table from tables TE513, TE500.