SAP Program ISU_XPRA_IN_EITR - XPRA: Invoicing: 1.1B -> x.xx: EITR Fill Key Field Document Type

This report converts the table EITR in the upgrade of IS-U/CCS Release1.1B to one of the next releases.
The table EITR contains billing orders, which are generated byconsumption billing. For Release 1.2, the Document type field(BEL_ART) has been added to the key for the table EITR. This enables youto distinguish between billing orders from IS-U billing and billingorders from SD billing.
In the Document type field in the table EITR, the report entersthe fixed value A. The conversion must be completed by the reportbefore production operation can continue.
If problems occur during conversion of the table EITR, check that thefield BEL_ART contains the value A for all records of this table.If this is the case, processing can continue as normal. If this is notthe case, production operation can only continue if this field containsan entry. Otherwise, invoicing creates incorrect invoicing units.


The number of data records converted. If the report is called more thanonce, this number can also be zero.