SAP Program ISU_XPRA_EWCUSTENV - Frame: Example of an XPRA

Generation of Generic Customizing Entries for the CIC Data Environmentand HTML-Based Customer Overview

To use the new generic Customizing for CIC data environments andHTML-/XML-based customer overview, you must make entries in the tablesEWCUSTENVG (customer information cluster builder: generic profile data)and EWCUSTENVGT (customer information cluster builder profile: text).These entries are generated from the contents of the EWCUSTENV (IS-Uinformation cluster builber: parameters) and EWCUSTENVT (IS-Uinformation cluster builder: text) by copying the common fields.
This is only relevant for the Customizing transactions ENVD (DefineData Environment for Navigation Area) and EHVD (Define Data Selectionfor HTML Customer Overview).

