SAP Program ISU_XPRA_ERTFND - Conversion Report: Set Default Indicator in Registers

Rate determination has been modified in Release 1.2. Rate determinationfor several rates is now possible, which simplifiesbest-rate billing. This changerequires a new table:

  • Old rate determination table: ETFND

  • New rate determination table: ERTFND

  • This report implements the change by performing the following steps:
    • The old rate determination table is read completely.

    • The contents of the old rate determination are modified.

    • The new rate determination table is filled with these modified
    • contents.
      • The old rate determination is deleted.

      • As of Release 1.2, the transaction for maintaining the ratedetermination uses the new table. The old rate determination table mustbe copied to the new rate determination table one time only.