SAP Program ISU_XPRA_CUST_TEA90AV - XPRA for Transfer of Dunning Block from the IS-U Contract

This report determines which data records receive a value in the FKKVKPtable, for the MANSP, EZASP or AZASP fields. It indicates that either adunning, incoming or outgoing payments block was set for this contractaccount.
In the DFKKLOCKS table, a data record is generated for each of thesedata records.
You enter the following in these fields:
CLIENT: the same client as in the FKKVKP table
LOOBJ1: contract account number and business partner
LOTYP: 21 (entry from system table TFK080B)
PROID: 01 (dunning block) or 02 (incoming payment block)
03 (outgoing payment block) (entry from system table
LOCKR: the blocking reason of the old data fields
(MANSP, EZASP, AZASP) are copied to this
FDATE: an indefinite block, with a start date of 01.01.0001
is entered.
TDATE: an indefinite block, with an end date of 31.12.9999
is entered.
GPART: business partner to whom the contract account is
allocated, and for whom the blocks were set.
VKONT: contract account
COND_LOOBJ: nothing is entered ACTKEY: nothing is entered
UNAME: name of the user who executes the XPRA
ADATUM: system date for the outflow event of the XPRA
AZEIT: system time for the outflow event of the XPRA
After all of the data records gave been successfully created in theDFKKLOCKS table, the MANSP, EZASP, AZASP fields in the FKKVKP tableare provided with an initial value (SPACE) for all data records.
