SAP Program ISU_XPRA_CO_ACC_DET - Conversion report for account determination tables TFK033C/D

The isu_xpra_co_acc_det conversion report performs changes inCustomizing required as a result of the new CO account assignment logicin IS-U/CCS and IS-T. Key fields for the R001 and T001 company codes inthe R and T applications are defined in the cross-client TFK033C table.Using these key fields certain values are determined which are definedby function fields (see the TFK033C table using the SM30 transaction).The CEPC PRCTR, CSKS KOSTL entries have been deleted from the table.The new entry EK01 NOCRCT is being added to the table for release 4.61.The TFKCOK COKEY function field already exists since release 4.51. Theentries in the TFK033D table affected by these changes have to bedetermined and then converted accordingly. New tables were created forCO account assignment: TFKCOT, TFKOK, TFKCOD. In these tables the COaccount assignment data from the new tables is determined using a keythat is generated during execution of the conversion reports. This keyis entered in the FUN06 field in the TFK033D table and in the COKEYfield in the new tables. The account assignments that are deleted fromTFK033D have to be entered in the new tables with supplementaryinformation such as company code and business area where possible.
