SAP Program ISUWA_RCI_DATA_CLEANUP_EHP4 - Cleanse Data After Activating RCI Business Function

You can use this report to clean up data once the business functionISU_WASTE_RCI_2 has been activated.

When the business function ISU_WASTE_RCI_2 was activated, dataconversions were performed that enable you useEnhanced Container Management. Integrationwith Device Management fromSAP Utilities (IS-U-DM) was largely removed during this process.

To enable you to verify conversion of the data and make any adjustmentsrequired, obsolete data from IS-U device management was not deletedduring this data conversion process. This data is now deleted using thisreport.

You have activated the business function ISU_WASTE_RCI_2 for enhancedcontainer management. This means that it is no longer necessary to useIS-U device management. Read the business function documentationcarefully here.

You can make a selection from the following tables that are to becleaned up by this report:
Historical Data for Device Master Record IS-U (EGERH)
The report deletes all entries that reference acontainer, meaning thatthey are of the container basic device category.
Prior to deletion, the system checks whether the logical device numberof the container has been successfully transferred to the EquipmentTime Segment(EQUZ) table. The system also removes the correspondingentries from the Device Master Data in ISU table (EGERS) for allequipments that have been removed from the table EGERH.
Master Data for Device Group (EDEVGR)
The report removes all entries from this table that reference acontainer group. Relevantentries are identified by the device group type that is recorded in thetable for assigning container categories to group types (TEWABEHGRP).The system compares entries with those in the table Assign IBASE andDEVGRP (EWA_IBASE_REF) that contains all container groups that havealready been converted to aninstalled base.

  • Assignment Table Location Data-Sales Document Item (EWAELOCSD)

  • The report removes all entries from this table, since this hasbeen completely replaced by the new table EWAELOCSD_NEW.
    Prior to deletion, the system checks that the entry has actually beentransferred from EWAELOCSD to EWAELOCSD_NEW.
    You can continue to run the report in the test mode. The system performsall selections and checks here and creates a log. However, it does notdelete entries from the database.

    The Test indicator is selected as a default.

    SAP provides a log that in addition to the total number of imported andmodified table entries for each modified table also lists any errorsthat occurred during deletion.