SAP Program IST_SAMPLE_ADJUST_BILLDOC - Adjust Billing Document

This report is a sample solution and is designed to be used as acopying template for a customer-specific solution. The report
terminates processing before billing documents areadjusted.
A report that adjusts billing documents for test purposes must neverbe used in a production system, since it generates posting-relevantdocuments for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-CA)!

The system modifies billing documents when adjustment document data istransferred from external systems. See the BAPI method
Adjust in the business object TelcoBillDoc or thedocumentation for the function module BAPI_ISTBILLDOC_ADJUST.

In the following situations it can be advisable to adjust billingdocuments using a customer-specific report:

  • You want to test invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
  • in a test system.
    • Transferring external adjustment data using the BAPI described above has
    • not been implemented in the test system.

      You can use this report as a template for your own solution. Copy thereport and remove the section of the source text that triggerstermination of processing. Adjust the report to meet your requirements.