SAP Program ISCDXPRA01 - XPRA for Fields from FKKVK to FKKVKP

XPRA report for converting fields from table FKKVK to table FKKVKP.Previously, the data fields were linked to the contract account.However, since this is data that needs to be maintained for eachbusiness partner and multiple business partners can be created for eachcontract account, conversion is necessary.
The program enters the field contents from table FKKVK in the matchingfields of table FKKVKP if the fields are initial.
The following fields are converted:
Fields:,,INRYT,,->,,PAINR,,collection frequency
,,DINBT,,->,,PAIND,,base date, collection
,,KZVER,,->,,PAVER,,clearing indicator
,,KTDEP,,->,,PADEP,,clearing account
,,ABART,,->,,PAABA,,invoicing type
,,DARBT,,->,,PAABD,,base date, invoicing
,,AVART,,->,,COVAR,,correspondence type
,,AVWEG,,->,,COVWE,,corresp. dispatch method
,,ABRYT,,no longer used
After a run, the program outputs a log which lists possible causes oferror in the contract accounts. These errors have to be correctedbefore the program can be run again.
The log no longer shows any errors once all the data has beencompletely transferred. Following a successful upgrade, productionoperation can be started again.

Customizing table TKF002F (account relationship of a business partner)has to be up to date. A table entry in this table must have anindicator which marks the entry as account holder.
You may only have a business partner which is coded as an accountholder.