SAP Program INST_SET_CODEPAGE - Setting the code page

Set the Code Page

The report INST_SET_CODEPAGE is called as part of a SmartImplementation or via the transaction INST_CUSTOM.
For security reasons, the report cannot be called directly.

For the report INST_SET_CODEPAGE to be executed, the reportINST_SET_LANGPROF must have already run. After reportINST_SET_LANGPROF is completed, the SAP System must be stoppedand restarted to activate the profile parameters that have been set.


The selection parameters are:

  • System language SYSTLANG

  • Language vector INSTLANG

  • Code page CODEPAGE

  • Country COUNTRY

  • The parameters must be stored in the table INSTPARA.
    INSTLANG, SYSTLANG, and COUNTRY can be blank.
    In latin-1 systems, the content for INSTLANG is "DE", and innon-latin-1 systems, the content "E" is used.
    The default value for SYSTLANG is "E".

    If the parameter Country is not set, the report programINST_SET_CODEPAGE searches for the correct combination ofCurrent operating system - System language - Code page in thetable TCP0C. If the parameter Country is set, the combination ischecked in TCP0C.
    If no entry can be found in the table TCP0C for the parameters you haveentered, an appropriate error message appears.
    If a valid entry is found, the data is sent to the function moduleSCP_INIT_NLS to initialize the tables TCP0D and TCPDB.