Purpose With this program, the system can use appropriate selection criteria toread condition records from the database and write them to an archive. Integration Archivng object CND_RECORD> also has another deletion program(/SAPCND/CND_RECORD_DELETE) that can be used to delete condition recordsthat have been written into an archive.Prerequisites To use the write program, you must first set uparchiving>. When doing this, remember that you can only entercombinations of application> andusage> for which an implementation of theBusiness-Add-In for checking /SAPCND/ARCH_CHECK >exists with theappropriate filter values.Features The write program has two modes for handling deleted condition records.You can select these by pressing the corresponding button:
- No special treatment>
This is the standard setting. This only selects those condition recordsfor which the residence time > has expired. For further information, see the data elementSelection via residence time>.