SAP Program /SAPCND/CND_RECORD_SELECT - Archiving Condition Records: Search for and Display Records

With this program you can search for archived condition records in thearchive and then display them.

This program belongs to the archiving object CND_RECORD andenhances the standard display program
of condition records.

The deletion run must be completed for the condition records you aresearching for.Furthermore, a suitable active infostructure must be available for thecondition records you are searching for. Otherwise, the system cannotexecute the search.

With this program you can, similarly to the Archive Explorer,carry out a search via theArchive Information System(transaction SARI). The difference is that the starting point here is a
field catalog (not an infostructure).For the selected field catalog a dynamic selection is offered for which,in turn, a suitable infostructure is determined (that builds on theselected field catalog), via which the search is finally executed inthe archive.

The program offers dynamic selection for the fields of the fieldcatalog that are used in infostructures. Here, you can enter therequired selection parameters.
Fields of the field catalog that are not yet used in infostructuresare hidden and can be viewed using the pushbutton'new field selection'.

If you should happen to discover that no suitable active infostructureexists yet for the fields you require, you can also subsequently createan infostructure for the corresponding field catalog.