SAP Program /SAPCEM/BEDARFE_VSCREATE - Create Shipping Documents With Confirmed Requirements

CEM Shipping Documents: Create Shipping Documents from ConfirmedRequirements and Work Center Requirements

The user should be able to create shipping documents automatically onthe basis of confirmed CEM requirements or work center requirements.Transaction /SAPCEM/VS_CREATE.

Construction Equipment Management (CEM)


Sending party - sender
Receiving party - recipient
Take material reservations into consideration on receiving side
Document type
Requirement period
Work center requirements
Equipment item/multipart equipment
Equipment number
Technical object type

Confirmed requirements are determined for recipients. A comparisontakes place with stock situated on the sending site. If a confirmedrequirement can be fulfilled, a simulated shipping document is createdand a result list displayed. Depending on the settings you make on theinitial screen, material reservations may be displayed, if they exist.You can accept these reservations by choosing "Reservation". You canalso split documents. You can create the shipping document fordocuments that have been simulated successfully (displayed by greentraffic lights). You can also park documents.
Split document: by choosing this function you can selectindividual items in a simulated document. If you choose the functionagain, another simulated document is created for this item.
Reservation: you can use this function to add existing materialreservations to the appropriate document if and where required.
Create document: if you select a shipping document that has beensuccessfully simulated in the result list (header line) and then choosethis function, the system creates the appropraite shipping document.
Park document: if you select a shipping document that has beensuccessfully created in the result list (header line) and then choosethis function, the appropriate shipping document is parked, in otherwords, it is not included in the CEM settlement run.