You can post reserves of a claim to thegeneral ledger.
The posting involves two steps:
Execution of report ICL_CF_CASE_RESERVE2LOT (Transfer Claim Reservesto Lot)
Execution of report ICL_CF_LOT2GL (Post Reserves to FinancialAccounting)
With this report, you are therefore performing the second step of theposting. In this second step the system posts the reserve lot to thegeneral ledger. In doing so, the system also considers postings of theprevious period (delta postings).


  • You have executed report ICL_CF_CASE_RESERVE2LOT (Transfer Claim
  • Reserves to Lot).
    To guarantee unique comparison of the old and new reserve lots, considerthe following:
    All new reserve lots should be mapped in one single run of reportICL_CF_CASE_RESERVE2LOT.
    If this condition is not given, the following single conditions must begiven:
    Each combination of company code and currency may only occur once(semantic key of header in reserve lot)
    Per reserve lot, each combination of reserve type and customer-specificaccount assignment fields may only occur once. (Semantic key of items inreserve lot).
    The above-mentioned notes are also valid for the old reserve lots.
    • You have performed IMG activity Additional
    • Account Assignment Fields: User Exit with General Ledger Posting viaBAPI.

      Enter the selection criteria separately for the new and old reservelots. The following sections are available for this:

      • Section Reserves: Lot Selection for Posting to General Ledger

      • The selection criteria entered here is used to determine the reservelots that should be posted to the general ledger for the first time.
        • Section Reserves: Offset Against Old Lot

        • The selection criteria entered here is used to determine the reservelots that are currently in the general ledger and that should be takenout of the general ledger.
          Attention: When you post new reserve lots, you must also offsetthe corresponding old reserve lots. Otherwise, the general ledger wouldcontain old and new reserve lots simultaneously, and duplicate postingscould therefore occur.

          The following selection criteria is available for both old and newreserve lots:

          • Reserve lot

          • Name of user who created the reserve lot

          • Date on and time at which the reserve lot was created

          • In addition, the following selection criteria is only available in thesection Reserves: Lot Selection for Posting to General Ledger:
            • Company code

            • Document type

            • In addition, the following selection criteria is only available in thesection Reserves: Offset Against Old Lot:
              • Date on which the old reserve lot was transferred to the general ledger

              • Time at which the old reserve lot was transferred to the general ledger
              • Activities
                1. Enter the required selection criteria in both sections.
                Note: You can execute the report as a simulation. To do so, setthe Simulation indicator In this case, the reserve lots are notposted and not reassigned.
                2. Choose @15@ with the quick info text Execute.
                The system executes the following processing steps:
                Searches for the new and old reserve lots according to the givenselection criteria
                Determines the document attributes (customer-specific attributes aswell) from the selected reserve lots for the correct posting
                Compares the new and the old reserve lots with one another
                The following applies:
                If the company code and currency match, the system automatically assignsmatching old and new reserve lots to one another.
                If the reserve type and customer-specific account assignment fieldsmatch, the system automatically assigns matching old and new items of areserve lot to one another.
                Also see below under "Example".
                Checks whether the data for posting is correct and fills the databasetables DFKKOPK (items for contract accounting document) and DFKKKO(header data for contract accounting document) with the correct data.The posting takes place via the accounting interface of FinancialAccounting (FI).
                Updates the reserve lot. If old reserve lots have been replaced by newones, the new lot number is written to the RESLOT_NEW field (new lotnumber) of database table ICLINDRES. In the reserve lots that areposted for the first time, the POSTINGDATE, TRANSFERDATE, andTRANSFERTIME fields are filled with the corresponding timestamps.
                3. The system displays the results in a table.


                Reserve lot
                The following claims can be differentiated at the level of the reservelot:
                Day,,Lot no.,,Company code,,Currency,,Reserve lot item
                09/01/2005,,1,,V001,,USD,,Claim 100/Subclaim 1/Reserve type LO/USD 1
                09/01/2005,,2,,V002,,USD,,Claim 101/Subclaim 2/Reserve type LO/USD 1
                09/02/2005,,3,,V001,,USD,,Claim 100/Subclaim 1/Reserve type LO/USD 1
                09/02/2005,,4,,V003,,USD,,Claim 102/Subclaim 3/Reserve type LO/USD 1
                If you now post the new reserve lots 3 and 4 against the old reservelots 1 and 2, the system creates the following differences and generalledger documents:
                Day,,Lot no.,,Company code,,Currency,,Reserve lot item
                09/02/2005,,3,,V001,,USD,,Claim 100/Subclaim 1/Reserve type LO/USD 10.00
                09/02/2005,,4,,V003,,USD,,Claim 102/Subclaim 3/Reserve type LO/USD 1
                09/02/2005,,-,,V002,,USD,,Claim 101/Subclaim 2/Reserve type LO/USD -1
                The last document does not have an associated lot. Only the old lot 2has been reversed.

                Item of a Reserve Lot
                The following claims can be differentiated at the level of the item of areserve lot:
                Day,,Lot no.,,Claim,,Subclaim,,Reserve Type,,Reserve
                09/01/2005,,5,,10,,001,,LO,,USD 100.00
                09/01/2005,,5,,11,,002,,EX,,USD 110.00
                09/01/2005,,5,,12,,001,,LO,,USD 120.00
                09/02/2005,,6,,10,,001,,LO,,USD 100.00
                09/02/2005,,6,,11,,002,,EX,,USD 111.00
                09/02/2005,,6,,13,,003,,EX,,USD 130.00
                If you now post the new reserve lot 6 against the old reserve lot 5, thesystem creates the following differences in the general ledger document:
                Day,,Lot no.,,Claim,,Subclaim,,Reserve Type,,Reserve
                09/02/2005,,6,,11,,002,,EX,,USD 1.00
                09/02/2005,,6,,12,,001,,LO,,USD -120.00
                09/02/2005,,6,,13,,003,,EX,,USD 130.00
                Claim 10 does not become a general ledger item, as the amount wasalready posted with lot 5 and the amount has not changed.