SAP Program HVECSSO0 - Calculation of SSO and SPF contributions and deductions

External routine of the payroll function used for calculatingcontributions and deductions for Compulsory Social Insurance (SSO) andEmployment Welfare Scheme (RPE).
To execute this process, you use the following constants in the payrollconstants table (T511K and T511P):
Maximum number of minimum wages for the RPE calculation (T511K-VESPM).
Maximum number of minimum wages for the SSO calculation (T511K-VESIM).
Employee deduction percentage for RPE (T511K-VESPW).
Company contribution percentage for RPE (T511K-VESPC).
Statutory minimum wage (T511P-VEMIN).
The general process consists in applying the contribution and deductionpercentages to assessment bases.
For more information, revise the documentation on the VESSO function.

You must maintain the payroll constants tables and the employee musthave an entry in the Social Insurance infotype (IT0400).

Amount of employee deduction for SSO.
Amount of employee deduction for RPE.
Amount of the company contribution for SSO.
Amount of the company contribution for RPE.