SAP Program HVECEDT0 - Payslip and severance payslip

A program that generates employee payroll payslips and severance paystatements.
Payslips are generated according to employee payroll frequencies, eachtime the program HVECALC0 is executed. Payslips contain information fromthe wage types associated to each employee during a specific payrollperiod.
Severance pay statements should be generated when a termination processis run. The statement contains information from the wage types that aresettled in favor of an employee when he or she leaves the company:including seniority and severance pay, advance notice and profit shares.

The customer must set up the payroll forms. The standard system providesthe following forms:
VEF1 for the payslip.
VEF2 for the severance pay statment.
The customer can copy and change these forms, in accordance with theneeds of the company.

Severance pay statement.