SAP Program HTWLIM00 - 3in1 (LI/NHI/NP) or 2in1 (LI/NP) medium report

This report is used to create medium files of Join, Adjust and Quitform of 2 in 1 report -- LI (Labor Insurance), NP (New Pension) or 3 in1 report -- LI (Labor Insurance), NP (New Pension), NHI (National HealthInsurance) .
User should run this report EVERYDAY, so that the selected persons whojoin, adjust or quit the insurances on the report date (equals to thebegin date of infotype 0354, 0355, 0818) can be reported.

For LI, NP ( 2 in 1 ) report, infotypes 0354 and 0818 are maintained,
For LI, NP, NHI ( 3 in 1 ) report, infotypes 0354, 0818 and 0355 aremaintained.

Two radio buttons for report option:

  • Select "2 in 1 report" to run LI, NP (2 in 1) report.

  • Select "3 in 1 report" to run LI, NP, NHI (3 in 1) report.

  • Three checkboxes for event option:
    • Check "Join" checkbox to generate medium files for persons who have any
    • join event of LI, NP and NHI.
      • Check "Adjust" checkbox to generate medium files for persons who have
      • any adjust event of LI, NP and NHI.
        • Check "Quit" checkbox to generate medium files for persons who have any
        • quit event of LI, NP and NHI.
          Test run option:
          • Check "Test run" checkbox to avoid generating actual files and update
          • database.

            Push buttons on the application bar:

            • Total Join: Press this to list selected persons and their report
            • data of join form on the screen. If "Join" is unchecked in the selectionscreen, this button will not be available.
              • Total Adjust: Press this to list selected persons and their report data
              • of adjust form on the screen. If "Adjust" is unchecked in the selectionscreen, this button will not be available.
                • Total Quit: Press this to list selected persons and their report
                • data of quit form on the screen. If "Quit" is unchecked in the selectionscreen, this button will not be available.
                  • Generate Test/Actual Files: "Generate Test Files" is available when
                  • "Test run" is checked in selection screen, press this button todownload result to local client. While in normal run ( "Test run"unchecked ), "Generate Actual Files" is appeared instead, which can notonly download the result, but also update database as well.
                    Menu items:
                    • Error: List errors if there is any.

                    • Generate Test/Actual Files: Same as the push button on the application
                    • bar.

                      1. User maintains the relevant infotypes for persons who have events tobe reported. If certain infotypes are not maintained correctly for thisreport, errors might occur, and corresponding persons might be rejected.
                      2. Select "2 in 1" or "3 in 1" report option in selection screen.
                      3. By default, Join, Adjust and Quit events are to be reportedsimultaneously, but if any of them is unchecked in the selection s
                      creen, this event will not be displayed and downloaded and the relevantevent information will not be updated to database, so this event willnot be reported for this run. Please note that at least one event shouldbe checked, or an error will occur.
                      4. After execution, the list of eligible persons and their report datawill be displayed. User can press the event buttons on the applicationbar to view the results.
                      5. User can run the report by "Test run" ("Test run" checked ) togenerate the test medium files ( suffixed with _join/adjust/quit.txt )to local client and check them. No database will be updated in test run.
                      6. In the normal run ("Test run" unchecked), actual medium files (suffixed with _join/adjust/quit.txt ) will be generated to local clientand database will be updated.
                      7. If any error occurs during the report procedure, user can view theerrors by "List Errors" in menu.

                      General Checks
                      There are several checks carried out in preparing the reports. Thepurpose of these checks is to make the data and status consistent inlegal reports, e.g. once a person quits insurance, there is no longerinsurance amount adjustment reported issued. Following is the list ofchecks:
                      1. The report date should not be earlier than last reported date.
                      2. If the last reported status of a person has status Quit ( includingQuit, Transfer out, Stop in case of NHI ) there is no longer Quit andAdjust reports issued.
                      3. If the last reported status is Join, there is no more Join reportpossible.
                      4. To be qualified for Adjust report, the person should be in statusJoin (including Transfer in, Continue, Recover in case of NHI ) on thereport date.

                      Special Checks
                      1. Repot date should be the same day as the begin date of the insuranceentries to be reported.
                      2. For NHI join, the family dependents can not join NHI unless employeejoined or is joining NHI.
                      3. For NHI quit, the family dependents must quit NHI on the same daywhen employee quits
                      4. For NHI, status "stop" and "recover" will not be reported by thisreport.