SAP Program HTHCTX91 - Income Tax Reconciliation Worksheet (PIT91)

This report generates the following:

  • Personal Income Tax Form (PIT91)

  • This tax form provides details of the tax deducted to date, as againstthe tax that should be deducted for income paid to date. The formcontains information on the year-end recomputed tax on the final incomefigures of wages/salary and other payments, which were made at the endof the year. Also available is the information on whether an employeepaid tax, which is lesser than or more than the required tax for theyear.
    For terminated employees the form also provides information on theTermination Tax paid by the employee. If the employee paid morethan or less than the required termination tax, the form also providesinformation on the same.
    • Attachment PND91

    • For terminated employees, with more than five years of continuousservice in the organization, the report generates the AttachmentPND91.


      Enter the relevant selection criteria.
      Specify the Year, for which you wish to generate the tax forms.
      To execute the report, select Program -> Execute.
      The report generates the Personal Income Tax Form (PIT91) and ifapplicable, the Attachment PND90/PND91.