SAP Program HPHRUSBR0 - PY-PH : Utility report to insert receipt records in the table.

Utility report for inserting receipt records in the table. (HPHRUSBR0)

This function updates the receipt number and the issue date for groupofemployees. This is used as a reference for the departments SocialSecurity (SS), Home Development Mutual Fund (HDMF) and Philhealth toissue loans to the employee.


  • The employee belongs to a valid company grouping

  • The company group details are stored in the T7PH0A table which has to
  • be set up before executing this report.


    • This report is a utility for updatinging the SS, HDMF and Philhealth
    • receipt number and issue date.
      • The Database table T7PHRS is updated.

      • An entry is created in this table per group, along with the receipt
      • number, issue date, month and year when issued.

        The receipt details are stored as follows for employee 48600001 whobelongs to the personnel area PH00 and personnel Subarea PS01. Thegrouping for PH00-PS01 in T7PH0A is as follows :
        Social Security : SS01 Philhealth : HI01
        Tax : TX01 HDMF : HD01
        The receipt details in the 'T7PHRS' table are stored as follows:Receipt number 56712345 for social security grouping SS01. Month 01Year 2000, issued on 10.01.2000. These details are then displayed withthe option of printing it.