SAP Program HNZUXMS0 - Shifting of Christmas and New Year Holidays - Holiday Pay Act

This report shifts certain public holidays that fall on a Saturday or aSunday, which is normally a day off, by two days. For example, if thepublic holiday falls on a Saturday that is a day off, the report shiftsthe holiday to the next Monday and if the public holiday falls on aSunday that is a day off, the report shifts the holiday to the nextTuesday. The report updates the work schedule with the changes.
The report shifts only the following public holidays:

  • Christmas Day (December 25)

  • Boxing Day (December 26)

  • New Year's Day (January 1)

  • January (January 2)

  • To undo the changes made by this report, regenerate the work schedule.


    • The report reads the Monthly Work Schedule table (T552A) for the
    • work schedule. The report checks whether any of the four public holidaysmentioned above fall on a Saturday or a Sunday that is normally a dayoff. For this, the report reads the Daily Work Schedule table(T550A). If the number of planned working hours is zero, the day is cons
      idered as a day off. If the day is off, the system shifts the publicholiday by two days, that is, the system copies the Holiday Classand Day Type of the current day to the new pubic holiday date.The system also resets the Holiday Class and Day Type ofthe current day to that of a normal day off.
      Note: Current day is the original public holiday date. Forexample, December 25, December 26, January 1, January 2.
      • If a public holiday is set as a Guaranteed holiday, the work
      • schedule generation program shifts all such holidays (working ornon-working) that fall on a Saturday or a Sunday to the next workingday. In such a case, if any of the public holidays mentioned above isset as a Guaranteed holiday, the report checks whether the publicholiday originally falls on a working Saturday or a Sunday. If it does,the report maintains the Saturday or a Sunday as public holiday andresets the day on which the work schedule generation program has shiftedthe public holiday to a normal working day.

        You have generated the work schedule for the period.



        • Select the public holiday calendar to which you want to make the
        • changes.
          • Select the Employee Subgroup Grouping, Personnel Subarea
          • Grouping and Work Schedule Rule to filter the records ofMonthly Work Schedule table (T552A).
            • Enter the period for which you want to make the changes to the work
            • schedule. The report will select only the records of the work schedulethat fall in this period.
              For example, on the selection screen you enter the period as 04 2004 to12 2004.
              You have created a work schedule starting from January 1990 to December2098. In this case, the system reads all rows of this work schedule thatfall between April 2004 and December 2004, that is, the system readsnine rows of the work schedule.
              You have created a work schedule starting from January 1990 to December2000. In this case, the system does not read any data of the workschedule.

              Enter the relevant selection criteria.
              Choose Program -> Execute.
              The system displays the Preview Changes.
              Select the Update Database option if you want to update the workschedule with the changes.
              The system displays the logs for the updates.

              In the year 2004, December 25 falls on a Saturday and December 26 fallson a Sunday. The two days are also days off in the work schedule.
              When you run this report, the system sets December 25 and 26 as normalholidays, and December 27 and 28 as public holidays.