SAP Program HNZUPTC0 - List and Correct Inconsistent PTQUODED Entries Report

Report to List and Correct Inconsistent Absence Quota Data (HNZUPTC0)
This report lists the inconsistent entries and corrects the same in theTime Quotas deductions table (PTQUODED). The inconsistencies mayarise due to the following reasons:

  • Mismatch of the Document number for time data field (DOCNR) in
  • Absences infotype (2001) with Document number for time data
    field (DOCNR).
    • Mismatch of the Counter for time quotas field (QUONR) in
    • Absence Quotas infotype (2006) with Counter for time quotas
      field (QUONR).
      • Mismatch of the Counter for time quotas field (QUONR) in Time
      • Quota Compensation infotype (0416) with Counter for time quotas
        field (QUONR) and Document number for time data field(DOCNR).
        • Document number for time data field (DOCNR) or the Counter
        • for time quotas field (QUONR) entries with no corresponding entriesin Absences infotype (2001) or Absence Quotas infotype(2006) respectively.
          You must run this report and correct the inconsistent data beforeexecuting the Absence Rebooking report (HNZLABQ0).


          On the Type of Inconsistency of the entry screen, you have thefollowing options:

          • Inconsistent IT2006

          • Selecting this option lists the employees with mismatch of theCounter for time quotas field (QUONR) in Absence Quotasinfotype (2006), with the entries in the Deduction of Time Quotastable (PTQUODED).
            To check the consistency of Absence Quotas infotype (2006)records created on and after a particular date, enter the date in theOmit IT2006 before date Field.
            You can enter a single or a range of quotas in the For Quota TypeField. If you make an entry in this field, the system checks onlythose Absence Quotas infotype (2006) records for consistency,which correspond to the quota types that you have entered.
            • Inconsistent IT2001 -

            • Selecting this option lists the employees with mismatch of theDocument number for time data field (DOCNR) and the Counterfor time quotas field (QUONR) in Absences infotype (2001),with the entries in the Deduction of Time Quotas table(PTQUODED).
              You must enter the date of conversion in the Omit IT2001 before date
              field if your company has undergone leave conversion. All theentries in Absences infotype (2001) after that date will beconsidered by the report.
              • Inconsistent IT 0416

              • Selecting this option lists the employees with mismatch of TimeQuotas field (QUONR) and Document number for time data field(DOCNR) in Time Quota Compensation infotype (0416), with entriesin Deduction of Time Quotas table (PTQUODED).
                To check the consistency of Time Quota Compensation infotype(0416) records created on and after a particular date, enter the date inthe Omit IT2006 before date field.
                • Inconsistent PTQUODED

                • Selecting this option lists the employees with Document number fortime data field (DOCNR) or the Counter for time quotas field(QUONR) entries in the Deduction of Time Quotas table (PTQUODED),with no corresponding entries in Absences infotype (2001) orAbsence Quotas infotype (2006) respectively.
                  For performance reasons, we recommend that you do not select all thefour indicators simultaneously.

                  On the output screen, the system displays all the employees who have amismatch for the options you select.
                  The following options are available on the output screen:

                  • Run Report for Z- tables - Select this option to perform a
                  • consistency check.
                    • Update - Select this option to update the corrupt records in the
                    • PA tables (IT 2001, IT 2006, IT 0416) and Deduction of Time Quotas
                      table (PTQUODED) .

                      On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Human Resources ->Asia/Pacific -> New Zealand -> Subsequent Activities-> Tools -> Correct PTQUODED entries
                      The Report to List and Correct Inconsistent Absence Quota Datascreen appears.
                      Enter the employee selection criteria.
                      Select the Type of Inconsistency.
                      Select Test Run (no update) to correct the corrupted record insimulation mode. Do not select this indicator if you only require todisplay the corrupted record.
                      Under Download:
                      Select Download infotype records. Browse and select the file thatstores the corrupted record. When you execute this program, the systemcreates a backup of the corrupted record, which you can use for furtherreference.
                      Select Download modified records to save the recently createdrecord.
                      Select Program -> Execute.
                      The Employees with Inconsistent Absence Quota Data screenappears.
                      This screen displays all the employees who have a mismatch for theoptions selected.
                      Deduction of Time Quotas table (PTQUODED) will not containentries corresponding to the absences, when you perform the following inthe table Attendance and Absence Types (T554S):

                      • Configure Absence Type as Non Deductible

                      • Create absence records for Absence Type

                      • If you change a Non Deductible absence to a Deductibleabsence, that is, the absence is deducted from Absence Quotasinfotype (2006) record, the system will create entries in theDeduction of Time Quotas table (PTQUODED) for the absencerecords.
                        The report displays those absences that were created before theAbsence Type was made Deductible, as InconsistentEntries with DOCNR Mismatch.