Purpose This is a conversion report meant for annual leave quota correction. As per the Holidays Pay Act 2003, from April 1, 2007 onwards, thestatutory minimum annual leave eligibility of an employee becomes fourweeks instead of the existing three weeks. All employees with ananniversary date on or after April 1, 2007, receive minimum annual leaveof four weeks. However, for these employees, the system calculatesannual leave quota accrued for the period between the anniversary dateand March 31, 2007, based on three weeks eligibility. This report checks for the time evaluation accrual rules on April 1,2007, and simulates time evaluation from the employee's last anniversarydate to March 31, 2007, based on these new rules. The differencebetween the simulation and the amount actually accrued is output into aquota correction record in Quota Corrections >infotype (2013).The correction is dated April 1, 2007 (in most cases) and the reportcorrects the time evaluation records after the completion of the timeevaluation run for April 1, 2007. The employees will therefore, have arollover with the correct entitlement on their next anniversary. &NOTE&> This report is also applicable for employees who need to move from fourweeks to five weeks annual leave.Prerequisites
- You have maintained the function code SIMF for
Time Managementfeature (LLREP)> in the IMG activity under Time Management >->Time data recording and administration> -> Managing timeaccounts using attendance/absence quotas> -> Quota Overview> ->Assign report variants>.
- You have configured the annual leave quota selection rule, valid from
April 1, 2007, in the IMG activity under Time Management >->Time Data Recording and Administration> -> Managing TimeAccounts Using Attendance/Absence Quotas> -> Calculating AbsenceEntitlements >-> Rules for Generating Absence Quotas> ->Define Generation Rules for Quota Type Selection>.Features During processing, the report performs the following main tasks:
- Simulates HR TIME: Time Evaluation report (RPTIME00)>
The report simulates HR TIME: Time Evaluation report (RPTIME00) fromanniversary date to March 31, 2007 based on an employee's three weeksand four weeks eligibility. It does this to identify the differences inannual leave quota based on the two types of eligibility. The reportstores the differences in Quota Corrections> infotype (2013) asquota correction record.
- Create Quota Correction record in Quota Corrections >infotype
(2013) The report creates the record with the following information: Start date> as April 1, 2007 &NOTE&> For employees whose anniversary date is March 31, 2007, the Startdate> is maintained as March 31, 2007. This is due to the fact that anemployee who commences work on the 1st of April will normally have ananniversary date in Date Specifications> infotype (0041) as oneday prior, which is March 31. These employees are entitled to the fullfour weeks entitlement but transferring occurs the day prior and hencethe quota correction must be dated the day prior. Absence quota type> as Annual Leave Quota number> as the difference in the annual leave quotas accruedbased on three week and four week eligibility Increase generated entitlement> Do not change transfer time> On April 1, 2007, when you run HR TIME: Time Evaluation report(RPTIME00)>, the system adds the stored difference in quota to theemployee's annual leave quota. &NOTE&> If you run this report again, the record created during the previous runof the report is over written.
- Constraints>
The report does not process quota correction for an employee if: Hire date of the employee is on or after April 1, 2007 Time Management Status> of the employee is 0> in PlannedWorking Time> infotype (0007) Time evaluation fails for an employee An employee already has four weeks annual quota configuration beforeApril 1, 2007 &NOTE&> For employees who accrue based on Hours Worked> but have a timemanagement status of 1 (actual times), you can run this report onlyafter March 31, 2007, and adjust their leave balances. This is due tothe fact that time evaluation will run successfully for these employeesonly after the hours have actually been worked. Running this reportprior to March 31, 2007, may result in an incorrect quota adjustment.Output The output displays the following information:
- Annual leaves accrued based on the three week eligibility
- Annual leaves accrued based on the four week eligibility
- Difference in the annual leaves accrued based on the two eligibilities
- Display Log>
Choose Display Log> to view any errors that occurred. TheQuota Correction Record Creation Error Log> screen appears. Thedisplayed list consists of information and error messages.Activities On the SAP Easy Access> screen, choose Human Resources> ->Payroll >-> Asia/Pacific> -> New Zealand> ->Subsequent Activities> -> Tools >-> Holiday Pay ActReport>. The Holiday Pay Act Report> selection screen appears. In the Selection >section, enter the employee selection criteria. In the More selections> section, select the Annual leave quota >. To specify the contract type, choose Dynamic Selection> icon (Ctrl+ F1). >In Dynamic selections> section, select theContract Type>. To execute the report, choose Program >-> Execute>.Example Recommendation Since this report simulates time evaluation, it may take a long time toprocess. We therefore, recommend that the report be run on line in verysmall batches, or run in a background mode. &NOTE&> The output is available even when the program is run in background mode.In this case, report generates the following logs for an employee:
- Error log
- Display log
Run this report in a test mode and check the output before running thesame in an update mode. After running this report in update mode theemployee should have a roll over with a minimum of four weeks leave ontheir next anniversary. You can test this by either making a projectionon the Quota Overview Screen (Transaction PT50) or by using the DisplayAbsence Quota Report (Transaction PT_QTA10) to display balances at afuture point in time. You must manually check employees who have an anniversary date on March31 or April 1to ensure that they have the correct entitlement. We alsoassume that you have entered the anniversary dates into the DateSpecifications> infotype (0041) as one day prior to the hire date,however, if this is not the case you may need to manually create orammend a quota correction.