SAP Program HNZLQES0 - Quarterly Employment Survey - New Zealand

This report is used to display and print the Quarterly EmploymentSurvey returns for the selected employees. This report is a legalrequirement under the Statistics Act for New Zealand.

This report reads the following infotypes:
Actions infotype (0000)
Organizational Assignment infotype (0001)
Personnnel Data infotype (0002)
Payroll Status infotype (0003)
Planned Working Time infotype (0007)
Basic Pay infotype (0008)


  • Payroll results of the employee must exist for the payroll period that
  • is applicable to the survey date that you have entered on the selectionscreen.
    • You must have maintained the following activities in the IMG under
    • Payroll New Zealand:
      Basic Settings -> Environment of Wage Type Maintenance ->Processing Classes and Evaluation Classes ->Maintain Evaluation Classes and TheirSpecifications.
      Time Wage Type Valuation -> Valuation Bases ->Assign valuation bases.
      Day Processing of Time Data -> Day Processing Functions-> Time Wage Type Selection Rule -> DefineGeneration Rules.
      Quarterly Employment Survey -> Wage TypeAssignment for Quarterly Employment Survey.



      • The report gives a Summary Report for each Personnel Area and
      • Personnel Subarea. If you want the report to display the DetailedListing also, select the Detailed list indicator.
        • The report sub totals the results at Personnel Area and Personnel
        • Subarea level, if the Sub Total at PArea and PSubarea Levelindicator is selected. If you want the report to aggregate the resultsonly at Payroll Area level, deselect the indicator.


          • In the Summary Report section of the output, the report displays
          • the following data based on the employment status (Part Time or FullTime employees) and gender of the employees:
            Number of Full Time Employees
            Number of Part Time Employees
            Ordinary Time Payout Amount
            Overtime Payout Amount
            Ordinary Time Payout Hours
            Overtime Payout Hours
            If you have selected the Sub Total at PArea and PSubarea Levelindicator, the report displays these details for a Personnel Area,Personnel Subarea and Payroll Area. Else, the report displays thesedetails for a Payroll Area.
            • If you have selected the Detailed list indicator on the
            • selection screen, the report also displays a Detailed Listingsection. In this section, the report displays for each employee thedetails mentioned in the Summary Report.
              If you have selected the Sub Total at PArea and PSubarea Levelindicator, the report aggregates the statistics of the employees for aPersonnel Area, Personnel Subarea, Payroll Area, employment status(part time or full time employee) and the gender. Else, the reportaggregates the statistics for a Payroll Area, employment status (parttime or full time employee) and the gender.

              Enter the relevant selection criteria.
              Enter the Survey Date.
              Select the Detailed list indicator if you want the report todisplay the Detailed Listing for each employee.
              Deselect the Sub Total at PArea and PSubarea Level indicator, ifyou want the report to total the results at Payroll Area level only andnot at the Personnel Area and Personnel Subarea level.
              Execute the report.