SAP Program HNZLCSE0 - Child Support, Student Loans & Employee Start/Finish Report NZ

The program HNZLCSE0 contains one report, but the report has fiveparts.
The five parts of the report are:
a) Child Support Deductions Schedule
b) Student Loans Deduction Schedule
c) Employee Start/Finish Details Schedule
d) Employer Deductions Schedule
e) Selection Conditions
This report is produced twice monthly for large employers. The datesthese reports must be produced is the 5th of the month and20th of the month. It should include details from theretroactive results table (RT2).
The report for Child Support, Student Loans and Employee Start/Finishare produced twice monthly for large employers. The report shouldinclude details for pay periods with payment date between 1st and15th of the month in the same report and details for pay periodswith payment date between 16th and last day of the month in thesame report. For this reason, the user will be presented with aselection screen with from and to dates to choose from.
Inland Revenue department also would like to have the schedule includethe different pay area if there is more than one in the same report.For that reason the selection screen should include the ability toselect more than one pay area.
The user will be responsible for selecting the payroll areas to beprinted on the report. A page showing the selections made by the userwill be printed as part of the report.

The employee should have payroll results in the retroactive resultstable (RT2) for the dates specified by the user in the selection screenfrom and to dates.
For example, if the selection screen from date is in period 18,and the employee has only been processed for period 19 onwards, the payresults will NOT be able to be retrieved for this employee from the RT2table. This also applies with the selection screen to date. Theemployee's pay results CANNOT be retrieved if the to date is in aperiod that has not been processed yet.