SAP Program HNZCLVP0 - Leave Liability Projection Accrual Program

Leave projection program is required from leave view, termination and
other report. It requires input pernr, leave type, projection type,
and projection date. It returns the rusults table or error message
table. The results table contants all leave accrual value,
entitlments and leave status for the leave type. The error message
table contants leave type and error messages.

1. Leave result table.
2. Error message table.

Employee 4300068 has leave type A1, which is accrual yearly by 120hours. The last pay period end date is 04/12/1996. and the leaveprojection date is 18/12/96. When these parameter is passed intoleave projection program. The result table will return the followingvalues.
Leave type : A1.
Accrual Id : 01
Last Ann dt : 04/06/96
Entitlments : 120 hrs.
Accrual : 64.6027 hrs.
Status : A (means active).