SAP Program HMXCSDI0 - Wage integration report

This report generates a list of changes to the integrated daily wageand a breakdown of its different sections, according the criteriaselected, and within the specified period.
In the standard SAP R/3 system, this report proposes the system date asthe selection date, but this date can be overwritten
When generating this report, as well as the SAP standard selectioncriteria, the employer registration number can be specified. The `LastModification Only´ indicator can be also be activated to select onlythe last change to the integrated daily wage, within the selectedinterval.

The `Fixed Paymets´ and `Variable payments´ buttons can be selected inthe list generated by this report to display the details of the fixedand variable elements, respectively.
For variable elements, a breakdown of the previous month is displayed.The cumulated elements used to calculate the variable SDI (integrateddaily wage) are also displayed.