SAP Program HMXCRFC0 - Report HMXCRFC0

This report generates a TemSe archive containing the informationrequired for registering employees with the Internal Revenue Service.
In addition to the standard selections options, this report alsoallows you to select employees by company RFC.
We recommend that you use the current date as the end date in theselection screen. This will ensure that your selection is up to date.

This report selects employees who:
do not have a Federal Taxpayers Register number in the Personnel IDinfotype (0185), subtype 02; or whose Federal Taxpayers Register numbercontains less than 13 characters.
have at least one calculated Integrated Daily Wage (SDI) in theIntegrated Daily Wage (SDI) infotype (0372).
have a CURP number containing 18 characters. Employees whose CURPnumber contains less than 18 characters will be selected for when thereport is run, and included in the screen list, but they will NOT beincluded in data file, and they will be displayed in the error list.

The output list displayed on the screen will include the RFCnumber of the Company Code to which the employees are attached, theCompany Code, and the employee's personnel number, name and surname,CURP and hiring date. There is also a fiel that indicates whether theemployee earns more per year than the value of the IMINE constant.
The structure of the data file is the following: the first recordcontains the company RFC. The second record includes the 18-characterCURP, the date that the employee joined the company inDD/MM/YYYY format and an indicator that shows whether the employee earnsmore than a specific amount per yeare (the value of the IMINE constant).