SAP Program HMXCMCI0 - Tax Methods Comparative

With this report you can determine the most favourable tax method forthe employee.
The tax methods to be compared are determined by the contents of thetable 'Assignment of tax table to employee group/subgroup'.
With this report you can determine which tax method is the mostfavourable for each employee and enter in an infotype the information,which can be used in tax calculation later on.
Apart from the SAP standard selection criteria, you can specify thefollowing criteria to execute the report:

  • Tax methods to be compared:

  • Tax rate
    Employee group
    Employee subgroup
    Reason for off-cycle payroll run
    • Validity of tax infotype (start and end)

    • Type of processing (Test)

    • Name of Batch and Input session
    • Output
      The possible outputs are:

      • Report of tax comparative methods.

      • Processing of Batch Input to insert information in the Tax Data
      • infotype (0561).
        The test field must be selected for generating the informative report.Otherwise the process will be carried out in Batch Input.
        In the report are printed both the method that is most favourable forthe employee and the least favourable method. The tax method iscomplemented with the appropriate tax table.