SAP Program HMXCINF0 - Deductions by INFONAVIT and FONACOT credits

The report enables you to generate a list of details on INFONAVIT(Housing Fund) and FONACOT (National fund for workers' commercialcredits) credits.

This report lists all deductions and differences that have occurredIN the selected payroll periods.
The report output reflects all the remuneration statements of theselected payroll periods and is equal to the result obtained for wagetypes /381 (INFONAVIT) and /382 (FONACOT) after running the Wagetypes program (H99CWTR0) and selecting the checkbox View inpayroll periods.

There must be current INFONAVIT and/or FONACOT credit for the employeein the INFONAVIT/FONACOT Credit infotype (0370).


  • INFONAVIT credit deductions list.

  • This list displays, among others, the following columns:
    Balance: Last balance in payroll results of the selected period.
    Total amount paid: Total amount paid IN the selectedpayroll period. It may differ from Amount less Balance
    , in the case of retroactive accounting.
    • Payments list

    • This list displays, among others, the following columns:
      Process Period:
      ,,- If the entry does not come from retroactive accounting: TheProcess Period field is equal to the In Period field.
      ,,- If the entry comes from retroactive accounting: The ProcessPeriod is the period in which the retroactive accounting was paid.
      Payment: Total amount for the selected In Period(including retroactive accounting differences).