SAP Program HMXCCRE0 - Annual declaration of wage credit paid in cash

This report allows you to carry out the annual SHCP (Ministry for PublicCredit) declaration, in relation to credit on wages paid in cash toemployees.
To run this report you can specify the following criteria, as well asthe standard SAP selection criteria:

  • Company RFC

  • Fiscal year to be declared

  • Type of declaration to be generated
  • Output
    The output options are:

    • List in preview format.

    • Storage in SHCP-approved data medIum.

    • The numerical output fields will be formed as follows:
      Annual income: the sum of Regular Tax Basis (/400), Special TaxBasis (/410) and Regular Tax Basis, prev.year (/40M) wage types.
      Tax after subsidy: the sum of Tax After Subsidy (/407) and TaxAfter Subsidy, Prev.Yr (/40L) wage types.
      Credit on wage: the sum of Credit on Wage in Cash (/401), AnnualCredit Adjustment (/448) and Annual Credit Adjustment, Prev.Yr (/44A)wage types.
      The amounts displayed by employee in the list correspond exactly to thevalues stored in the cluster, to two decimal points. In the data filethat is generated, however, the values are rounded up or down to thenearest whole number for each employee. This means that there may be aslight variation between the two lists.
      The report output only includes employees with credit on wage greaterthan zero, that is, those who, were paid credit on wage in cash at theend of the year.
      This report generates an individual TemSe file for each RFC that itprocesses.
      The TemSe file that is generated includes title area record zero amountssuch as, for example, Total Costs, Reduced Credit, Offset Credit,Outstanding Credit, etc.

      Technical details of the wage types used in this report

      • Regular Tax Basis (/400): used to calculate the basis of the
      • taxed income printed in the report. The corresponding value is obtainedfrom the Cumulated Results table (MXCRT) of the year being processed, asspecified on the screen.
        • Special Tax Basis (/410): used to calculate the basis of the
        • taxed income printed in the report. The corresponding value is obtainedfrom the Cumulated Results table (MXCRT) of the year being processed, asspecified on the screen.
          • Regular tax basis, prev.year(/40M): used to calculate the basis
          • of the taxed income printed in the report. Thecorresponding value isobtained from the Cumulated Results table (MXCRT) of the year beingprocessed, as specified on the screen.
            • Tax After Subsidy (/407): used to calculate the tax after the
            • subsidy that is printed in the report. The corresponding value isobtained from the Cumulated Results table (MXCRT) of the year beingprocessed, as specified on the screen.
              • Tax After Subsidy, Previous Year (/40L): used to calculate the
              • tax after the subsidy printed in the report. The corresponding value isobtained from the Cumulated Results table (MXCRT) of the year followingthe year specified on the screen.
                • Credit on Wage Paid in Cash (/401): used to calculate the credit
                • on wage paid in cash that is printed in the report. The correspondingvalue is obtained from the Cumulated Results table (MXCRT) of the yearbeing processed, as specified on the screen.
                  • Credit Annual Adjustment (/448): used to calculate the credit on
                  • wage paid in cash that is printed in the report. The corresponding valueis valor obtained from the Cumulated Results table (MXCRT) of the yearspecified on the screen.
                    • Credit Adjustment, Prev.Year (/44A ): used to calculate the
                    • credit on wage paid in cash that is printed in the report. Thecorresponding value is obtained from the Cumulated Results table (MXCRT)of the year following the year specified on the screen.

500725Wrong total amount of wage credit in Temse file
499485SAPServe transport because of annual processes
498848Legal change in 26 Form (HMXCCRE0)
385817Declaración anual de credito al salario (version 4.0)