SAP Program HINUTRIGGER_APROVAL_PROC - IPS-Claims: Report to Trigger Approval Process

The report initiates workflow for the claim, advance request.


  • Data retrieval

  • The report reads the Claims & Advance Transaction Table(T7INCLM_ADV_TRNS) to retrieve claims and advance requests:
    That have status as Partially approved or To be approved
    For whom workflow has not been generated
    • Group requests

    • The report groups retrieved requests based on their reimbursement type.
      • Determine approver and initiate workflow

      • The report determines the approver of the request. The system validatesthe approver based on the customising data maintained by you and if theapprover is correct, the report initiates the workflow.
        • Display result of workflow

        • The report displays an application log that displays of successful andunsuccessful workflow generation.
          • Execution option

          • You can execute this report in foreground or background.


            • In the Approval Process section, specify:

            • Request date
              Request time
              Mode in which you want to run the report
              • In the Output File section, specify the logical path for storing
              • the output of the report.

                The report displays the Approval Workflow Report screen. Thisoutput screen displays the following messages in an application log:

                • Success messages for requests for which workflow was successfully
                • generated.
                  • Error messages for requests for which workflow was not successfully
                  • generated.

                    To access this report, on the SAP Easy Access screenchoose Human resources -> Payroll -> Asia/Pacific-> India -> Utilities -> Claims -> Report toTrigger Approval Process in Claims.
                    Enter the relevant selection criteria.
                    Choose Program -> Execute.
                    The report displays the Approval Workflow Report screen.