SAP Program HINUSIMULATE_RECRUITING - Recruitment Simulation

This report performs the following functions during a simulation run forthe selected roster IDs on a date specified by you:

  • Displays assignment of existing roster points

  • The report displays the following values:
    Attributes of selected roster IDs.
    Attributes of roster point assigned to selected roster IDs.
    • Displays assignment of roster points for the additional roster points

    • You specify the number of additional roster points that you want toassign to the selected roster ID to display the following values:
      Attributes of selected roster IDs.
      Attributes of roster point assigned to selected roster IDs.
      Attributes of additional roster point assigned to selected roster IDs.
      • Calculates backlog for each reservation category

      • Select the Backlog Data indicator and the date for calculation ofbacklog.


        • Selection Objects section:

        • Specify the Object Type. The Object Type can be one of thefollowing:
          - Organizational Unit
          - Company Code
          - Roster Object
          Specify the Object ID for the selected Object Type. Youcan specify multiple Object IDs.
          Specify a date. The report performs the required actions during asimulation run for the selected roster IDs on this date.
          • Backlog Data section:

          • To display the backlog per reservation category, select the BacklogData indicator.
            Specify the date for calculation of the backlog. The system calculatesthe backlog that exists on this date. The system by default displays thelast day of the previous year, based on the current system date.
            • Additional Parameter section:

            • Enter the number of additional roster points that you want to assign tothe selected roster IDs. The report assigns these additional rosterpoints to every selected roster ID.
              Consider a company X with two rosters IDs IN01, IN02. To execute asimulation run for these roster IDs with five additional roster points,you enter 5 in the New Roster Point field. On execution,the report assigns five additional roster points each to IN01 and IN02.
              • Logical File Names for output section:

              • Specify the logical path for storing the output of the report.

                When you execute the report, the system displays the RecruitmentSimulation screen. This output screen has the following sections:

                • Recruitment Simulation section:

                • In this section, the report displays the following values for selectedroster IDs:
                  Roster ID
                  This is the unique system generated sequence number of a roster.
                  Roster title
                  This is the title of a roster ID
                  This is the reservation type of a roster ID.
                  Promotion type
                  This is the recruitment or promotion type of a roster ID.
                  Region dependency
                  This value specify whether a roster ID is region dependent orindependent.
                  Region name
                  This is the region for which a roster ID is applicable.
                  This is the group for which a roster ID is applicable.
                  Existing roster points
                  This is the sum of assigned and unassigned roster points of a roster ID.
                  Total number of assigned roster points of a roster ID.
                  New roster points
                  This is the total number additional roster points of a roster ID.
                  Reservation category of new roster points
                  This is the reservation category of the additional roster points of aroster ID.
                  Actual roster points
                  This is the total number of assigned roster points for a reservationcategory of a roster ID.
                  Ideal roster points
                  This is the sum of assigned and unassigned roster points for eachreservation category of a roster ID.
                  Future ideal roster points
                  This is the total number of roster points of a reservation category of aroster ID after addition of additional roster points specified by you.
                  This is the difference of Future ideal roster point and Idealroster point for a reservation category.
                  • Summary Report section:

                  • In this section, the report displays the following values for a rosterID:
                    Indicates if a roster point ID is a backlog roster point ID (B), vacantroster point ID (V) or an additional roster point ID (N).
                    Roster ID
                    This is the unique system generated sequence number of a roster.
                    Roster point ID
                    This is the unique system generated sequence number of a roster point.The system displays this value for existing roster points. The systemdoes not display any value for additional roster points.
                    Sequence number
                    This is the unique system generated sequence number of a roster pointID.
                    Required category
                    This is the reservation category of a roster point ID. For existingroster point ID the system displays the reservation category of thisroster point ID. For additional roster points the system displays thereservation category of the model roster ID.
                    Proposed category
                    This is the proposed reservation category of an employee. The systemproposes the reservation category of an employee that should be assignedto a roster point ID.
                    Start date
                    This is the date of creation of roster point IDs.

                    To access this report, on the SAP Easy Access screen chooseHuman resources -> Payroll -> Asia/Pacific ->India -> Utilities -> Roster -> Report toSimulate Recruitment Process.
                    Enter the relevant selection criteria.
                    Choose Program -> Execute.