Purpose This report enables you to print or email correspondence letter for theselected employees. Prerequisites
- You should have maintained the required details in the Additional
data for Corrs. Letter> infotype (906).
- To enable the system to send mail to the employee, you must maintain the
following settings in the Communication> infotype (0105) for allemployees: You have specified the system user name in the subtype System username (SY-UNAME)> ( 0001) You have stored the e-mail address in the subtype E-Mail> (0010)
- You should have maintained the printer settings.
- In the Selection >section, enter the employee selection criteria.
- In the Selection for Correspondence Letter >section, select the
criteria for generation of correspondence letter.Output Activities On the SAP Easy Access> screen, choose Human Resources> ->Payroll >-> Asia/Pacific> -> India> -> Correspondence Letters> -> Generate Correspondence Letter> Enter the relevant selection criteria. Choose Program> -> Execute>. Based on your selection parameters, the system either prints thecorrespondence letter(s) or emails the same. It displays the followingdetails on the Generate Correspondence Letter > output screen: Total number of employees selected for generation of correspondenceletter Total number of employees of which the system could generatecorrespondence letter Total number of employees of which the system could not generatecorrespondence letter On this Generate Correspondence Letter >output screen you canperform the following tasks: Display a list of employees for whom the correspondence letters wereissued successfully - To do so, select Extras> -> List ofperner to whom letter are issued> Display a list of employees for whom the correspondence letters were notissued successfully - To do so, select Extras> -> Error List >