SAP Program HINULOAN_REPAY_UPDATE_REQ - Update Status and Current Processor of Loan and Repayment Request

The report enables you to manually change or delete leave encashmentrequests created using Employee Self-Service (ESS).


  • Data retrieval

  • The report reads the following tables to retrieve details of loanrequest that match the selection parameters specified by you:
    For loan request, it reads the Loans Specific Data table(T7INLOAN_TRNSDT) to retrieve loan details
    For loan repayment request, it reads the Repayment Specific datatable (T7INREPAY_TRNS) to retrieve loan payment details
    • Manual update of request

    • When you execute the report, it displays the Update Status andCurrent Processor of Loan and Repay Req screen. On this screen youcan perform the following activities:
      Change request status
      If you change the status of a request, the report saves yourPersonnel Number as the approver of the request in LoansSpecific Data table (T7INLOAN_TRNSDT).
      The system does not trigger workflow for those requests whose statushave been modified by this report.
      Change processor
      If you change the approver of the request, the report sends the requestfor approval to the changed approver.
      Delete a request
      Show details of the request
      • Database update

      • The report updates the Loans Specific Data table(T7INLOAN_TRNSDT) and Repayment Specific data table(T7INREPAY_TRNS).

        The system displays the Update Status and Current Processor of Loanand Repay Req output screen. This output screen lists the variousloan or loan repayment requests as per your selection. For a loan andloan payment request, it displays data related to the employee,approver, payment mode.
        On this screen, you can change the following data related to a loan andloan repayment request:

        • Save Status/approver

        • Choose this option to change the status or the approver of the request.
          • Show Details

          • Choose this option to show details of the request.
            • Delete Record

            • Choose this option to delete the request.
              • Save Record

              • Choose this option to save the modifications to the request.

                To access this report, on the SAP Easy Access screen chooseHuman Resources -> Payroll -> Asia/Pacific ->India -> Utilities -> Loans ESS -> UpdateStatus and Current Processor of Loan and Repay Req.
                Enter the relevant selection criteria.
                Choose Program -> Execute.